
Nutrition Your Cattle Needs

Nutrition Your Cattle Needs

Good nutrition is essential for the health of your herd, but there are many different factors that affect what nutrition your cattle need. By understanding your cattle's needs, you can adjust their diet to offer them the best possible feed in different situations. What Nutrition Cattle Need All cattle need a balanced diet that includes a variety of components, such as: Fiber and roughage Starch and carbohydrates Minerals, nutrients and salts Protein Fat Water The exact proportions of these dietary components can vary greatly depending on each animal's needs. Every cattle farmer, however, should be sure their herd is getting...

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Chicken Molting Tips

Chicken Molting Tips

Molting is an essential part of chickens’ growth and health, but losing and replacing feathers is also a messy, stressful process. Taking steps to help chickens with molting can minimize the stress and keep your backyard flock happy and healthy. About Molting All chickens molt to replace old, broken, and worn out feathers with fresh plumage that will provide better insulation. Young chickens typically have several juvenile molts as they grow to their full size, but won’t begin their regular seasonal molts until they are 12-18 months old. Mature chickens will molt once or twice a year, often with one...

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